Tuesday 10 April 2012

A Redeeming Cupcake?

So, in the past I have lamented about the popular cupcake and my lack of success with cupcakes. I've turned down requests for cupcakes, and I don't turn down an opportunity to expand "business" all that often. Cupcakes stir up the bad side of me, I know, it's shocking, I have a bad side! 

Recently my neighbour, Cori, passed along a recipe for a cupcake. This has become more regular between us; Cori sends me links to Pinterest or blogs, recipes or pictures of cakes. Most times this gets the creative juices flowing and I find something new to make. However this time, I winced. It was a cupcake recipe and I gave it a moments thought to toss this one into the cyber trash can...and then I thought better of it. Not one to back down from a challenge, I faced my nemesis: The Cupcake. 

Now, this was no ordinary cupcake, it was a Guinness Chocolate Cupcake with Irish Cream infused cream cheese icing. An adults only cupcake! Game on! Maybe this would be it, the cupcake to change my mind. Not only was it the day before St.Paddy's day, I also had a plumber working in the house, so water wasn't always readily available to me! Another challenge! 

I measured and mixed, I popped these babies into the oven and held my breath. The smell was enticing and the treasures came out of the oven all lovely and even, each one a perfect replica of it's neighbour in the spot next to it. After a wee bit o' cooling off, the icing went on, they looked glorious. Next was tasting these little Irish goodies, I went out to the neighbours, platter in hand and doled them out. Held me breath and ran back into me house and waited for the feedback. I didn't wait too long, minutes really until our one neighbour was kicking himself for only taking one! 

I must say, after my own taste test, these were a game changer. There were no fancy cupcake liners, no visions of grandiose accolades for making "the perfect cupcake", I didn't fancy them up like glittering jewels that beg for attention. Nope, simple and to the point. A perfect package of dark chocolate with a hint o' Guinness and topped with a decadent and not overly sweet cream cheese icing, laced with my favourite Irish Cream. Perfection. I see redemption in the cupcake's future. 

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