Tuesday 10 April 2012

I was looking forward to the Easter season, not only to raid my girls' Easter chocolate (yes, I admit it) but also for the really cute Easter cookies. Many of the 'cookers' that I follow were posting really sweet, intricate and inspiring cookies...so many ideas and truly not enough time! I paired down my choices and went with a few standard designs. I also only started with 2 orders, boooo! However, the Monday before Easter, I was asked to make 2 dozen for someone - not a problem! On Wednesday a friend was mentioning the amount of cooking and baking she needed to have done for her weekend full of hosting Easter meals. Of course, I offered to make her some cookies (I mean, she knows someone in the biz) imagine my surprise when she asked for 150 cookies! I almost fell over! LOL! We negotiated 100...that, I could do in 3 days. Imagine my hubby's surprise when I told him - even better! LOL 

108 cookies, ready to go!

A plate of pretty

These Easter eggs trump the hard boiled variety!

Pretty butterflies

Of course the bunnies needed to nibble a carrot

Any guesses?


I pulled off my Easter orders, even getting in an extra dozen to my sister, who had just had knee surgery and also to my oldest daughter's best friend (she dropped a hint or 2).  Three extreme late nights and normal early mornings, doing my usual drill of driving kids to and fro, visiting the dentist and my sister and a helping hand from my Assistant Director of Creative Design (aka: my hubby) I was finito and knackered! I think my 'customers' were happy, they are tasty little treats, if I do say so myself ;) 

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